In its short existence, Mustard and Gray (Created over Mince Pies and Tea during Christmas 2017), has evolved from being the home of an original dinner table game called 'Chase me Dear' to what it is today. What was once a hobby soon became a part-time adventure. And following the birth of Zoe's son, what was a part-time adventure became a full-time enterprise.
So who are Mustard and Gray?
Mustard and Gray Ltd was founded by myself (Vicky) and Zoe due to our love of design and adventures and creating beautiful things.
The Mustard and Gray Team. From left to right: Zoe (Co-founder and designer), Viktor (Inspiration and distraction!), Vicky (Co-Founder and distraction!), and Bramble (inspiration and destruction).
We first met at Festival Number 6 at Portmeirion in North Wales in 2016. After two days of fabulous festival food, eclectic music and camping on a 45-degree slope! By Christmas 2016 we were firm friends and over the next year, we adventured around Europe and Shropshire with our Friends and Zoe's future husband (and carpenter extraordinaire) Gee.
Viktor enjoying an afternoon at our field studio on top of the Long Mynd in Shropshire
Our other two full-time team members are Bramble, my trusty Spaniel and Viktor. These two "butter wouldn't melt" members of the team have inspired us not only in what we design but also in how we work. Creating a healthy, fun, flexible and relaxed working environment became top of our agenda. We have worked hard to ensure our business is technologically advanced enough to allow us to work from any outdoor 'field studio', be it sitting on the Long Mynd hill in Shropshire or on the banks of the Danube in Budapest.
Zoe and Vicky, The Co-Founders of Mustard and Gray in Budapest overlooking the Danube
It is our adventures that inspire us. We decided we wanted it all. The work-life balance that allows us to work with our best friends, with the dog and baby as free-range as possible, creating things we are passionate about. We continue to work hard to establish and maintain this ideal and I hope we can use this blog to highlight our working style in our "field studio's" as well as introducing you to our journey from inspiration to product with several of our designs.
Start the New Year with a fresh perspective and a beautifully refreshed home! In our latest blog post, we explore simple ways to brighten your space now that the Christmas decorations are packed away. From hand-crafted lampshades to vibrant throw cushions and stylish placemats, discover how small touches can transform your home into a warm and welcoming haven for 2025. Crafted with care in our Shropshire studio, our collection is here to bring charm, colour, and personality to your everyday living. Read more for inspiration!